PDF Download Text Processing with Ruby: Extract Value from the Data That Surrounds You
PDF Download Text Processing with Ruby: Extract Value from the Data That Surrounds You
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Text Processing with Ruby: Extract Value from the Data That Surrounds You
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"It is rare that a programming language can be unequivocally stated to be the right tool for a job. But when it comes to scanning, extracting, and transforming text, Ruby is that tool, and Rob Miller is the right guide to instruct you in the most effective and efficient application of it." Avdi Grimm Author, Confident Ruby; Head Chef, RubyTapas.com"This is a fun, readable, and very useful book. I'd recommend it to anyone who needs to deal with text -- which is probably everyone." Paul Battley Developer, maintainer of text gem"While Ruby has become established as a Web development language, thanks to Rails, it's an excellent language for working with text as well. Text Processing with Ruby covers the nuts and bolts of what I believe is a natural domain for Ruby, all the way from bringing text into the environment via files, the Web, and other means through to parsing what it says and sending it back out again." Peter Cooper Editor of Ruby Weekly Cooper Press"The biggest selling point of this book is that I can apply it right away -- I am literally using the things I've learned at work today. Perfect for the beginner to intermediate Rubyist, or any programmer who wants some standout techniques for handling text whatever language they're using." David Wickes Developer"A lot of people get into Ruby via Rails. This book is really well suited to anyone who knows Rails, but wants to know more Ruby." Drew Neil Director, Studio Nelstrom, and author of Practical Vim
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About the Author
Rob Miller is Operations Director at a London-based marketing consultancy. He spends his days merrily chewing through huge quantities of text in Ruby, turning raw data into meaningful analysis. He blogs at robm.me.uk and tweets @robmil.
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Product details
Paperback: 274 pages
Publisher: Pragmatic Bookshelf; 1 edition (October 2, 2015)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1680500708
ISBN-13: 978-1680500707
Product Dimensions:
7.5 x 0.6 x 9.2 inches
Shipping Weight: 1.1 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review:
4.6 out of 5 stars
7 customer reviews
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#791,862 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
Rob Miller makes a compelling case for Ruby as an elegant and productive text processor. The text leaves me convinced this was probably one of Matz's top design goals for the language. Ruby is absolutely a cleaned-up, sane Perl.I like that Rob carefully places Ruby in relation to UNIX coreutils and demonstrates many organic CLI workflows, with each tool used appropriately. I also appreciate, due to the very lightweight and readable Ruby syntax, the gentle introduction to parsers and NLP. This could provide the newcomer a conceptual foundation before venturing into more industrial strength tools (in Scala, Java, Python, Go, what-have-you).Rob is a talented writer and I look forward to more from him. One "star" subtracted due to a formatting snafu in my edition that is not representative of the normal high quality of this publisher.
The goals of the content in this book were very good. My only complaint is that the editors seem to have fallen asleep after the first half. Starting around Chapter 10 (Writing Parsers) the quality takes a massive nosedive, which is unfortunate, because this is where it starts getting deep. At times the code and text are out of sync, as if a code snippet was updated without also checking the text. It makes it difficult to know when you are not understanding something vs. poor editing.
For me, because I work with both Ruby and text, this book is indispensable. However, even if you only need to mess around with JSON or regular expressions in Ruby, this book is still absolutely worth it, because it's better-written and more descriptive than most web tutorials you'll find,
Nicely done book that pulls together a lot of topics related to text processing in ruby. Accessible book that is easy to read in a sitting if you are familiar with text processing concepts, but want a good overview of the tools that ruby brings to bear.
A fun book, with all sorts of useful tricks even experienced Ruby Programmers might not know. Serves as a great and quick reference to being more efficient with Ruby's vast Text Processing capabilities.
Manipulating text is one area where Ruby excels, and this book really plays to that advantage. The author states that any text processing script can be broken into three stages: first you get the text, then you apply some kind of transformation to it, then output the results. I like the way that the book is organised into three parts that go into great detail on each of these three stages.Part 1, Aquiring text, starts with the basics: reading from files or from standard input. And quickly moves on to how to extract data from CSV files, and scraping data from HTML files using the Nokogiri library.Part 2, Modifying and Manipulating Text, opens with an introduction to regular expressions (does every programming book have a chapter on regex?). Then it gets really meaty with a chapter on writing parsers, and another on natural language processing. I particularly enjoyed the section where the author demonstrates how to use the Parslet library to parse a Rich Text Format file.Part 3, Writing Text, starts again with the basics: writing to standard output, standard error, and to a file. Then it goes on to discuss serialising data to JSON, XML, or CSV formats. And the last chapter uses ERB to render templates into text files. Anyone who knows rails will be familiar with the ERB templating language, but I found it refreshing to see this used outside of a rails context.If you want to learn Ruby as your first programming language, this is not the first book that you should read on Ruby, but it would be a good choice as your second book. Or if you already know how to program and you want to add Ruby to your repertoire, then this would be a great place to start. I've been working with Ruby for 8 years and I picked up lots of new stuff. I wish I could have read this book years ago!
Ruby has powerful libraries to get you started with text processing even if you are not familiar with the language. This book gives you a very detailed introduction into the ETL (Extract-Transform-Load) workflow, each one having its own part in the book. At the end you get a quick introduction on how to run apps if you really just get started.And if you ask where could you use text processing I would say website scraping as an example. And you'll find tools described in this book to accomplish your task.
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